UUMAC Children's Programming
The VUUMAC Children’s Program is a place for fun, friendship and exploring our faith in age-level groups for children and tweens. Children grow in faith during UUMAC, as a place connects them more deeply with their UU identity and the wider UU community. Even online, we will provide this space for them, though in different ways.

In age-grouped classes of ages 5-9, and 10-12 year old “Tweens,” we will engage in sharing times, stories, creative responses, and music. We will explore this year’s theme of “Community of Communities'' through topics of welcoming, identity, inclusivity, and inter-connection.
Children will explore different aspects of our theme of community through sharing their own stories, listening to stories, creative responses, and of course, a good bit of silliness!
The Tweens group will explore our theme of community of communities through the topics of welcoming, identity, inclusivity, communications, and connections. Time for building their own community of belonging is the most important part of Tweens.
Each week will include a project, “the chalice challenge,” to be done at home. On Wednesday afternoons, our “Maker Time” will provide time to work on these projects together while we relax and chat.
Children especially need safe, brave spaces for healing in this time of pandemic. Our most important goal this summer is to create that space for social/emotional well-being and connection as UUMAC kids build their own community of communities, by age-group, within the larger UUMAC community.